There is no factor more important to successful school programs that regular school attendance. Students who are absent excessively from the instructional program will fall behind in academic achievement. Excessive school absenteeism can result in course failure. The attendance policy is established by the School Board. Excellent attendance is the first necessary requirement for academic achievement and personal development. Highlights of the attendance rules are as follows:

    • A student attending ISPA that accumulates five or more unexcused absences in a semester course or ten in an annual credit course will have their grades withheld until they are resolved at the school-site level and a recommendation for removal from the school.
      1. An absence is marked UNEXCUSED until the student provides a note from the parent with a valid reason for the absence or a doctor’s note within 72 hours of the student’s return to school. Failure to submit will result in an UNEXCUSED absence for the student.
      2. After three school absences in a semester, an excused absence will only be granted if a doctor’s note, court papers or funeral notice for family member is submitted.
    • International Studies participates in a block schedule whereby students attend classes on an even and odd period schedule. As a result, classes are 104 minutes long for periods 1-6 and 52 minutes for period 7. Therefore, when a student misses a day, he or she is incurring two absences each class.
    • The following are considered excused absences:
      1. Student Illness
      2. Medical Appointment
      3. Death in family
      4. Observance of a religious holiday or service when it is mandated for all members of a faith that such a holiday or service by observed.
      5. School sponsored event or activity previously approved.
      6. Other individual student absences or tardies beyond the control of the parent or the student as approved by the Principal
    • All other absences or tardies not listed in item 3 are considered unexcused.
    • The student is expected to:

      1.  Take advantage of his/her opportunity by attending all classes punctually on a daily basis.
      2. Provide the school with a written explanation of any absence/tardy.
      3. Request make-up assignments from the teacher upon their return from the absence.
      4. Complete all the make-up assignments for classes missed within 72 hours of the absence
    • The parent is expected to:
      • Ensure that their child attends school regularly and arrives on time daily.
      • Report and explain an absence to the school.
      • Stress the importance of regular and punctual attendance with his/her child.
      • Provide written documentation for all absences when warranted.

1570 Madruga Avenue, Coral Gables, Florida 33146 - School Phone: 305-663-7200